About The Vagabond

My name is Ali. I’m a medical student from Canada, navigating my way through all the steps of medical education. I just finished second year, which means I’ve finally left the classroom behind (but not necessarily the tests)! When I was graduating high school, I thought by now I would have a North on my compass to simplify the path.

Boy am I happy I was wrong! At least partially. My career, and for that matter, my life still have many unknowns which I’m excited to uncover. The prospect of these adventures  is exciting, especially because I know I’ll be doing what I’m passionate about: Medicine.

I’m starting an exciting and dynamic period of my medical education, clerkship. This blog is meant to be a chronicle of all my experiences: the victories, the gruelling morning grinds, the unique moments and all learning moments that I encounter along the way.

I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!

3 thoughts on “About The Vagabond

  1. Hi Ali, My name Jumana, i bumped into your blog while researching Vanuatu and the hospital there, I noticed you have not written in a while. I am a Midwife in Texas and was wondering about going to Vanuatu, was wandering if you were open to sharing your experiences and helping me make my decision to go volunteer in Vanuatu. thanks
    love n peace

  2. Hi Ali, it is Bate from GVA. Congratulations on your blog! it is very interesting and inspiring. Best wishes and safe journes

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